Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Llittle Flurry of Letters...

Dear Isabelle~
    I thought about your last email, and about what you said and didn't say. I know you said not to judge, but I don't trust this man Tomas; I don't trust that chart, and I don't even like his name. I don't care if it's Gaelic, it sounds affected.
         I wonder if you're telling me everything? Do you like him????   BTW, what's happened with your daughter Sophie?   Must run...more later~

Dear Kendra~
    You're right. I only told you some of the story because I've been falling apart missing Alistair and Sophie. I wonder if I completely fall apart if I will remember how to put the pieces back together?
         But I did love Tomas' prayer: his "catching me" ~ but I'm not naive. It's not hard to see the dangers of allowing oneself to be rescued or even setting oneself up to be the rescuer. That's what I like about astrology--it's simple insight without undercurrents or strings attached...
     It's so strange that you and I have never met, but at times when I think of you or 'hear your voice' through email, it reminds me of Sophie. But your charts aren't the same, and she's not interested in learning astrology....
      Till later then~

Dear Isabelle~
   How do you know your daughter really isn't interested in astrology? Maybe she's still upset with you leaving her father? Maybe she's going through a confusing time and just doesn't know what to do right now--she might be getting to know her father in a new way. I hope you're not jealous of their time together in Europe now, because maybe she just needs to get to know him in a new way--- so that she's not judgmental of him! You know, she might have some issues with him to get over...
     I'm sure you'll hear from her soon. I'm sure Sophie loves you, and I think Alistair still loves you as well....
       "Soothe your heart" dear Isabelle~

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